A Recap of Activities Carried By CIPCRE on GBV during the months of January 2023 to April 2023
The past few months of 2023 were graced with multiple activities from the diverse components (Grievance Redress Mechanisms, Prevention and management of GBV cases, social communication) of CIPCRE’s involvement on the Babadjou-Bamenda road rehabilitation “as contracted by the World Bank, and MINTP”, within these components, are specifically activities on GBV: the management of GBV cases, and awareness raising activities on Gender Based Violence (GBV) that were effectuated on the themes; (forms, causes, consequences of GBV and the importance of reporting cases of GBV in the communities).
- Awareness raising campaigns on Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Fighting, preventing GBV, and maintaining an environment with limited cases of GBV during the project execution has been a call for concern. In this context, CIPCRE carried out several activities with the goal of curbing violence, shaping the behavior of workers on the field, and maintaining a serene environment especially within this period of project execution.
The activities in this component are; follow up exchanges with BUNS’ personnel who received training on the “protection against sexual exploitation and abuse in Babadjou”, sensitization of households, public gatherings, and different groups on the causes, consequences and forms of GBV they could experience during the period of works on the road in: Mbie, Akum, mile 12, Santa village, Doji, Bamegnia, Zavion, Soshie quarter, Njong, Meforbe, Toumaka, Kombou, Bamenji, and Matazem.
These awareness raising activities effectuated by CIPCRE were: mass, media, and proximity sensitizations.
Mass sensitization: people are sensitized in mass, schools’ assemblies or in good numbers and gatherings, this include “the Toumaka market, Ndjinso market, Kombou markets, and GBHS Babadjou, Matazem, Santa, Mbie, Mile 12 and Akum markets in Santa subdivision”.
Proximity sensitizations that included door-to-door sensitizations and focus groups sensitizations were also implemented; for door to door sensitization, people were sensitized in homes, shops and offices in Babadjou, Santa, and parts of Bamendakwe. Focus groups sensitizations targeted people in groups, meeting groups, friends and through WhatsApp groups. Some of these groups include: Meforbe elite group and Njangi house, Njong traditional group, elders’ group, Njong church group, mile 12 women’s traders meeting group, Mbororo women’s group Santa, Santa Presbyterian church elders meeting. etc. etc.
In the course of these (151) awareness raising activities, many persons were sensitized. The statistics of sensitization from the month of January 2023 to April 2023 are presented as follows:
–January; 4556 persons sensitized including approximately 3000 women and girls
– February; 4887 persons sensitized, about 3100 women inclusive
– March; 2634 persons sensitized, including roughly 2000 women and girls
– April; 3620 persons touched, thus more than 2300 women and girls.
NB: approximately 15697 persons were sensitized, including an estimated number of 10400 women. It is difficult to come out with the exact number because most of these activities included “mass, and media sensitizations” where quantifying (counting the exact number of people present) is difficult.
- Cases of Gender Based Violence recorded and provision of services
So far, we have registered 29 cases of GBV (since March 2022), this includes: cases of rape in some quarters of Santa and Babadjou, domestic violence, and physical violence perpetrated mostly against women and children. Though majority of these cases are not linked to rehabilitation works on the Babadjou-Bamenda road, the victims, including those of sexual violence were/have been given accurate and the desired attention by CIPCRE, providing them with medical, financial and psychological assistance, while referring some to the social affairs centers, and other competent structures (brigades, social centers, and other GBV service provider organizations) found in the zone of project (Babadjou, Santa, and Bamenda).
In sum, as execution of works on the Babadjou-Bamenda road advances, the fight against GBV is tightened by vulgarizing awareness raising campaigns, while implicating communities relay persons, especially women. Activities aiming the fight against GBV are ongoing and many training sessions on GBV and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) are scheduled for the upcoming months in Bamenda and Santa.